Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Out with the old and In with the new...

I am a firm believer that the natural does indeed reflect that which goes on in the spiritual. For example...
Last night what started out as a simple aspiration to clean my room (which usually consists of just picking up clothes) turned into an all out room makeover. I have noticed that my bedroom tends to be the coldest room in the house. I realized that this is due to the fact that my bed is positioned over the vent thus blocking the heat from doing its job. Last night I was finally in the mood to do something about it...more or less because Natalie is home and I can't camp out in her room anymore. :( Anyway...
I started out just moving my bed to the other side of my room, swapping it with my dresser. I didn't like the look of it so I decided to put my desser in the closet. In order to make this work though I had to take the closet door off and I had to then clean out my closet. At this point I should make something known...

Hi my name is Leanne Raboin and I am a pack-rat.

My closet, to the average observer looks like just a bunch of clothes hanging neatly on hangers and then at the bottom, several trunks and containers. Nothing too daunting...but open those trunks and containers and you would be appalled and maybe...slightly intrigued. Each container, without fail, hold different arrays of randomness, everything from socks to old journals. Therefore, for the next 3 hours I sorted through each container and trunk. It shouldn't have taken this long but as one knows, its hard to stay focused when you find long lost and forgotten "treasures." My old journals and notes from different classes that I had taken throughout my life held me captive and kept me entertained for quite awhile. FINALLY, after two trashbags filled with mismatched socks, knick-nacks, clothes and paper, I had my closet and room cleaned out. Never have I had the guts to throw out so much stuff!
After everything was finally in order, I sat on my newly positioned bed to admire my room. What a sight to behold! That's when I realized that this sudden change in the appearance of my room was a perfect example of the change that has taken place in me. It reminds me of the scripture in 2 Corinthians - "old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
For a little over a year I have been challenged to put away childish things so that I can embrace maturity. Some of the things I threw away from my room were things from when I was in junior high and highschool. Things which at the time were worth keeping but are now pretty lame. In my life I have been challenged to throw away old behaviors and thought patterns because they just don't suit an adult anymore. They were acceptable for a child but are pretty lame now. I could have kept these things, I mean they were neatly packaged away, but they took up unnecessary space thus inhibiting me from using that space for new things. lol. I think this principle can correlate to my life as well.
Thus I would like to boldy state...out with the old and in with the new!

1 comment:

  1. Leanne, I read this without my glasses so at first I thought this read, "My room tends to be the coolest room in the house" I was thinking wow Leanne a little sure of that huh? Then I squinted real hard and realized it was coldest! ha ha. I dont know how many times I have been in the same boat where I am going through containers and boxes to clean and find myself sitting on the on the floor looking through stuff and re-reading all my notebooks! Its actually so much fun I cant stand it. Proud of you for finishing the task though, usually I spend so much time reminiscing that I just put everything away and decide on it another day!
