Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Where to start....

Where to start indeed...

Four days ago I was enjoying the sunshine on the beach of Destin, Florida. To try and recap my time there would be too overwhelming.
As I've had four days to process my time spent away from home I am flooded with one captivating thought that I feel sums it all up - God is GOOD.
I, along with Arica, my mom, Li, and Brenda didn't just get a much needed vacation but received a gift from the heart of God.
I have never been on a prayer sabbatical with my mom and Li before last week and wow was it amazing. We had no plan or schedule. We ate when we were hungry, slept when we were tired and played when we so desired. Most of all we delighted ourselves in the Lord each and every day. We believed that we would encounter Him and would see Him move each day. And guess what! He did!
I have no grand stories or tales to relay, only that God did a very sweet work in my heart, mind and soul. He saturated me with His love.
Day One of our time in Destin my mom asked Arica and I what our three "Rs" were. Mine were: Rest, Receive and Risk.
I believe I experienced and lived each one of those "Rs."
I have always loved the verse in Ephesians 3:20, "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."
I didn't really have too many expectations for this trip beyond my three "Rs" and God totally took what I put out there and did so much more than I could have ever dreamed.
I was able to rest in the best way possible. I felt taken care of and content and full of joy. I was able to receive from the Lord and others because I had time to do so. "Whatever, Lord, have Your way." I was also able to risk. This wasn't in the physical or emotional but more spiritually speaking. I felt pressed to believe, dream and pray BIG and in that I would receive Big. It was so much fun!!
I feel that alot of this is jumbled. I guess in a nutshell and to sum it all up - I love Jesus and was able to experience a level of intimacy on this trip that I have never known. I came back smiling and with a glow from the sun and the Son. :)

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